

Last updated 4 September


On site

Sunday, October 13

Physical workshops and doctoral consortium in Uppsala


Monday, October 14

09:00-10:30Conference Opening
Keynote session
Marc Hassenzahl
“I exist in two places, here and where you are” – designing technology-mediated relatedness
10:30-11:00Coffee break
11:00-12:30Parallel sessions
- Papers: Generative AI
- Papers: Health and Healthcare 1
- Panel: Conversations on futures and fears
14:00-15:30Parallel sessions
- Papers: UX 1
- Papers: Artificial Intelligence in Use
- Papers: Making, Makers, Makerspaces
15:30-16:00Coffee break
16:00-17:30Parallel sessions
- Critique 2
- Papers: Humanrobot interaction
- Papers: Sustainability 1
18:00-21:00Poster session and Reception

Tuesday, October 15

09:00-10:30Streamed Keynote session
Virginia Dignum
Beyond the AI hype: Balancing Innovation and Social Responsibility
10:30-11:00Coffee break
11:00-12:30Parallel sessions
- Critique 3
- Papers: Conversational User Interfaces
- Papers: Perception and trust in online information navigation
- Papers: UX 2
14:00-15:30Parallel sessions
- Case Studies 2
- Paper: Internet of Things
- Papers: Getting insights from data
15:30-16:00Coffee break
16:00-17:30Parallel sessions
- Case Studies 3
- Papers: Health and Healthcare 2
- Papers: Child-Computer Interaction
19:00-Conference dinner at Uppsala Castle

Wednesday, October 16

09:00-10:30Parallel sessions
- Panel: Conversations on sustainability and servers
- Papers: Tangible Interactions and Play
- Papers: Gender Aware HCI
10:30-11:00Coffee break
11:00-12:30Parallel sessions
- Papers: Design Theories and Methods
- Papers: Multimodal Interactions
14:00-15:30Concluding plenary with Keynote speaker
Theresa Tanenbaum:
Designing Playful Rituals of Resistance to the Oppressive Normative Social Order Through Transgender Worlding and Magick.


Monday, October 14

    09:00-10:30Conference Opening
    Keynote session
    Marc Hassenzahl
    “I exist in two places, here and where you are” – designing technology-mediated relatedness
    11:00-12:30Online opening
    Papers: Sustainable Interactions
    14:00-15:30Papers: AI and Robots
    16:00-17:30Go west!
    19:00-22:00Roleplay: The Nordic Sprawl

    Tuesday, October 15

    09:00-10:30Keynote session
    Virginia Dignum
    Beyond the AI hype: Balancing Innovation and Social Responsibility
    11:00-12:30Papers: UX 2
    14:00-15:30Panel: Conversations on distance and diversity
    19:00-22:00Roleplay: The Nordic Sprawl
    19:00-22:00Music Quiz

    Wednesday, October 16

    14:00-15:30Closing plenary
    Keynote session
    Theresa Tanenbaum:
    Designing Playful Rituals of Resistance to the Oppressive Normative Social Order Through Transgender Worlding and Magick.


    Conference Secretariat

    For practical questions please contact Academic Conferences.

    Phone: +46 18 671003



    Umeå University
    Uppsala University

    Important dates

    April 19, 2024
    Submission deadline for Full paper abstract and Workshop and Tutorial proposals submission

    April 26, 2024
    Submission deadline for Full papers, Case studies, Critiques, Panel

    May 17, 2024
    Author notification for Workshops and Tutorials

    June 1, 2024
    Deadline for Demos, Doctoral Consortium and Late-Breaking Work submissions

    July 1, 2024
    Author notification for Full papers, Case studies, Critiques, Demos, Doctoral Consortium, Panels and Late-breaking work

    August 15, 2024
    Camera-ready deadline for all accepted work

    September 6, 2024
    Extended deadline for early bird registration