
Preliminary Program

Full conference

Sunday, October 13

Physical workshops and doctoral consortium in Uppsala


Monday, October 14

Conference and Tutorials

  • Registration 8-9:30
  • Plenary session 9-10:30, Keynote
  • Coffee break 10:30-11
  • Presentations, parallel sessions + online sessions 11-12:30
  • Lunch
  • Presentations, parallel sessions 14-15:30
  • Coffee break 15:30-16:00
  • Presentations, parallel sessions 16-17:30
  • Poster session with reception 18:00-21:00
  • 19:00 – Late online program


Tuesday, October 15

Conference and Tutorials

  • Online keynote, 9-10:00
  • Coffee break 10:30-11
  • Presentations, parallel sessions 11-12:30
  • Lunch
  • Presentations, parallel sessions 14-15:30
  • Coffee break 15:30-16:00
  • Presentations, parallel sessions 16-17:30
  • Conference dinner 19-22:30
  • 19:00 – Late online program


Wednesday, October 16

  • Presentations, parallel sessions 9-10:30
  • Coffee break 10:30-11
  • Presentations, parallel sessions 11-12:30
  • Lunch
  • Concluding plenary with invited speaker 14-15:30


Monday, October 14

  • Plenary session 9-10:30, Keynote
  • Break 10:30-11:00
  • Online opening, paper/case presentations, 11-12:30
  • Lunch, 12:30-14:00
  • Online Panel, paper/case presentations 14-16:00
  • Break
  • Late online program
    19- 22:00
  • Online paper/case presentations 21-22:00



Tuesday, October 15

  • Online Keynote, 9-10:00
  • Break 10-10:30
  • Online Panel, paper/case presentations 10:30-12:30
  • Lunch, 12:30-14:00
  • Online poster/demo 14-16:00
  • Break
  • Late online program
    19- 22:00


Wednesday, October 16

  • Closing plenary 14-15:30


Conference Secretariat

For practical questions please contact Academic Conferences.

Phone: +46 18 671003



Umeå University
Uppsala University

Important dates

April 19, 2024
Submission deadline for Full paper abstract and Workshop and Tutorial proposals submission

April 26, 2024
Submission deadline for Full papers, Case studies, Critiques, Panel

May 17, 2024
Author notification for Workshops and Tutorials

June 1, 2024
Deadline for Demos, Doctoral Consortium and Late-Breaking Work submissions

July 1, 2024
Author notification for Full papers, Case studies, Critiques, Demos, Doctoral Consortium, Panels and Late-breaking work

August 15, 2024
Camera-ready deadline for all accepted work

August 20, 2024
Deadline for early bird registration